Children’s Railway is one of Budapest’s most unique attractions. Like any other railway, it has ticket offices, diesel locomotives, nostalgic tank engine, signals, switches and a timetable. Unlike other railways though, this one is run by children. The line stretches among the Buda hills from Széchenyihegy to Hűvösvölgy, crossing the Cogwheel Railway and serving Normafa as well as the highest point of Budapest: Jánoshegy. - via

Nostalgic Locomotive in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Children's Railroad in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Children's Railroad in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Children's Railroad in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Nostalgic Locomotive in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Children's Railroad in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Nostalgic Locomotive in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Children's Railroad in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Nostalgic Locomotive in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Children's Railroad in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Nostalgic Locomotive in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Children's Railroad in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Children's Railroad in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Children's Railroad in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Nostalgic Locomotive in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Children's Railroad in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Children's Railroad in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Nostalgic Locomotive in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Children's Railroad in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Children's Railroad in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Children's Railroad in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Nostalgic Locomotive in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Children's Railroad in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Children's Railroad in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Children's Railroad in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Children's Railroad in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Nostalgic Locomotive in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Children's Railroad in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary

Nostalgic Locomotive in the Buda Hills of Budapest, Hungary